International Relations & Services
Founder and Managing Director:
Rebecka Michel
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Home: ©European Union I About: ©private collection I Services: © I Services: Specialist Protocol Services and Liaison Officers: ©European Union I Services: First, third and fourth example of events: ©private collection I Services: Second example of events: ©European Union I Services: All three black & white photos: ©Stefan Zeitz I Services: High Level National & International Conferences: ©Stefan Zeitz I Services: First example of events: Die Staats- und Regierungschefs der G20-Staaten mit den geladenen G20-Teilnehmern ©Bundesregierung/Kugler I Services: Second example of events: ©private collection I Services: Third example of events: COP23 Barbara Hendricks, Emmanuel Macron, Nicolas Hulot ©Dominik Ketz I Services: Fourth example of events: © I Services: All three black & white photos: ©Stefan Zeitz I Services: Information, Study and Press Tours; Official Delegations: ©DAAD/Stefan Zeitz I Services: First example of events: DAAD Wahlbeobachterreise 2017 ©DAAD/Stefan Zeitz I Services: Second example of events: Press Tour, Bremerhaven, Germany, 2017 ©DAAD/Focke Strangmann I Services: Third and fourth example of events: ©private collection I Services: All three black & white photos: ©Stefan Zeitz I Services: Expert Meetings around the World: ©DAAD/Wolfgang Hübner-Stauf I Services: First example of events: ©DAAD/Joyn coon I Services: Second and fourth example of events: ©private collection I Services: Third example of events: ©DAAD/Wolfgang Hübner-Stauf I Services: First black & white photo: ©Stefan Zeitz I Services: Second black & white photo: ©DAAD/Wolfgang Hübner-Stauf I Services: Third black & white photo: ©private collection I References: ©ShutterStock I Contacts: ©private collection.
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Home: ©European Union I About: ©private collection I Services: © I Services: Specialist Protocol Services and Liaison Officers: ©European Union I Services: First, third and fourth example of events: ©private collection I Services: Second example of events: ©European Union I Services: All three black & white photos: ©Stefan Zeitz I Services: High Level National & International Conferences: ©Stefan Zeitz I Services: First example of events: Die Staats- und Regierungschefs der G20-Staaten mit den geladenen G20-Teilnehmern ©Bundesregierung/Kugler I Services: Second example of events: ©private collection I Services: Third example of events: COP23 Barbara Hendricks, Emmanuel Macron, Nicolas Hulot ©Dominik Ketz I Services: Fourth example of events: © I Services: All three black & white photos: ©Stefan Zeitz I Services: Information, Study and Press Tours; Official Delegations: ©DAAD/Stefan Zeitz I Services: First example of events: DAAD Wahlbeobachterreise 2017 ©DAAD/Stefan Zeitz I Services: Second example of events: Press Tour, Bremerhaven, Germany, 2017 ©DAAD/Focke Strangmann I Services: Third and fourth example of events: ©private collection I Services: All three black & white photos: ©Stefan Zeitz I Services: Expert Meetings around the World: ©DAAD/Wolfgang Hübner-Stauf I Services: First example of events: ©DAAD/Joyn coon I Services: Second and fourth example of events: ©private collection I Services: Third example of events: ©DAAD/Wolfgang Hübner-Stauf I Services: First black & white photo: ©Stefan Zeitz I Services: Second black & white photo: ©DAAD/Wolfgang Hübner-Stauf I Services: Third black & white photo: ©private collection I References: ©ShutterStock I Contacts: ©private collection.
